viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019

My last Post!!

I finally GET ON WELL with Internet 馃挋馃槅

This is the last entry related to my master degree so what you will see below is a compilation of all the work that I have been doing this year with some notes of what I liked, or what I did not like and why.

I have to give the honors to Francisco, my ICT professor at university for teaching me so much and for being as great as he is.

I did it!!

Have a great summer and like always SEE YOU IN A BIT!

Hi guys, this is almost over...

Today the post is about sharing experiences so I will expose you my favourite hobby.
I will explaining just a little bit about what I have recently discovered and why I think that being creative is important in our day to day. 
I will also show you some great examples just for you to investigate about them if you please.

I have to say that Flipgrid has seemed to me a very useful and easy-to-use tool that can connect people who want to enrich themselves intellectually through the experiences and opinions of others. It is a tool that I highly recommend due to I have spent a good time recording, although I was a little bit nervous at the begginig. 馃檲馃槈

Here I leave the video and the reference that I left in Twitter 

to expand my message.


Keep on sharing your knowledge and experiences and 


martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Today is the day!!!

Just as I told you, here I bring you our Short-Film but before you actually see it I would like to clarify some things.

We used the free version of Filmora 9 to join the different scenes we recorded together and to edit the video. We didn't know anything about this program before, but it was quite easy to use. It provides you with a lot of options to edit backgrounds, images, and letters. As well, it has some templates and letters like titles or credits. Furthermore it allows you to add music to them not only to join and edit videos.

The only problem we have found about it, is the signature of the program that appears throughout the entire video, and quite huge I have to say.

You already know what the story is about, since in the previous post I explained it through the Storyboard.
What you do not know is how fun has been the time we have spent recording, it was new for us but we enjoyed it as kids.
The only inconvenience we had was the sheet we used as a chroma, since it moved a lot and when we wanted to overlay the backgrounds it did not looked perfectly clear, but beyond that, it has been a great experience and I am totally sure that for my future students it will be a very good experience as well.
In addition, the aim of using this video is to introduce traditional stories through another ICT tool. We think, in this way, the students will be more motivated and the topic will be more attractive form them.

Here you can see our short film:

                          Finding Lily's house

I hope you enjoyed it!! 馃挆  

See you in a bit!

Hi everyone! How are you doing?

Today I dedicate this post to show you a small preview, as a Storybooard, about our short film: Finding Lily's house. 

Our history is a fable, since we believed that it was the best way to teach values to our students.
In this case the specific values that result from the story are that each action has its consequence, and that in this case betraying the trust of your friends is something you should not do, but fortunately there is always a chance to apologize and learn from the mistakes made.
Before you see the Storyboard I will try to define what a Storyboard is, the best possible, in order for you to understand it's purpose.

A storyboard is a graphic representation of how your video will unfold, shot by shot. It's made up of a number of squares with pictures or pictures representing each shot, with notes about what's going on in the scene and what's being said in the script during that shot.

We have created these introductory vignettes with the -Storyboard That program-(Click on it to have a look) 

We created only 6 frames because that is what the free version offers. 

It is very easy to use and understand, in my opinion it looks a bit like the program with which we did the comic, but much simple and with less possibilities. 

In this program we can find a great variety of backgrounds, characters and customizable elements. In my opinion it is enough to use it as an introductory way.

Click on it to see it bigger and be able to read it!

Areyou ready to see our masterpiece in the next post,???
Only the most fortunate will have that privilege ... 
Uff I´m soooooo nervous....馃榿

3...2...1...  Let´s go!!!

I hope you like our Storyboard!

See you in a bit!

martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Hi adventurers!

In today's post I bring you something innovative and super fun, at least for me 馃榿

Even though it is something that I had never done before and to which I was somehow reluctant, it has resulted in something wonderfully funny and fantastic!

Although we continue with the subject of science, today we inquire about the bones and muscles of our body. It is an activity created for the final assessment of the unit about the human body, more specifically the hand.

To carry out and introduce this super project I have used a new tool called Soundtrap which is a fantastic tool for creating music online. In it you can use virtual instruments to create music or to record yourself playing live music and incorporate the recording in conjunction with virtual instruments.

This great tool has collaboration options through which you can invite others to create music with you, it works in Chrome browser on any computer, iPad, Chromebook and Android tablet.....
Once your composition is finished, you can download it as an mp3 file for conserve, share, etc.

But it does not only serve to create music but to record our voices for our podcasts adding a personal touch with our own musical creations.



I have also created a Powerpoint presentation to help you a little bit, if you need it. You can have a look here ↓ If you press play it will be played automatically.

I have also included several photos about Soundtrap. The first one is a photo of my account, so you can see how it would appear if you want to register and the other photo shows us the podcast list that will appear when you record songs, podcasts and others.



Hope you like it!! 


See you in a bit!!

mi茅rcoles, 3 de abril de 2019

Hello there, how are you dioing so far?!

This is my latest post, following the line of science you have seen lately.
To continue expanding our knowledge about animals, I have decided to introduce you, in general terms ,what are cold-blooded animals and warm-blooded animals by giving you some examples of each one.

The tool that I have used this time is called PIKTOCHART, it has been a tool super easy and fun to use, it has a lot of photos, shapes, icons and different ways to work. Something to take into account is that it is free!!!

There is also a great variety of backgrounds and you can insert text wherever you want, giving you the oportunity to create your most personal style through the different fonts that are available.

If you click on the images you will see the infographics better, since the tool, Piktochart, does not let you add the embeded link directly on the blog.

Why do I love this tool? Because I love how colorful it is and how easy it is to create infographics. 
I recommend it 100%. Let your imagination free, try it and tell me about your experience!

See you in a bit!

lunes, 1 de abril de 2019


After the post in which I spoke about ecosystems, here I bring you a mindmap.
That can help you to refresh and even expand your knowledge about the wide range of different ecosystems. With this I will also propose you several activities in relation to the different types of ecosystems that exist and also other aspects that go with the subject, like human footprint.

The tool I have used,, is fine, but it is precarious since you would have to pay in order to use the aspects and features that are in it.
To be able to place images (all of them are free licence photos) I had to link them to the specific bubble, as well as the videos (rights of the videos to whom they correspond).
I tried to put some color in the mind map to make it more attractive, using the three types of font size available and the arrows that facilitate reading the mind map.

I hope it helps!

Have fun and see you in a bit!!

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019

Hello everybody!

Today I bring you a post full of creativity!

I created this comic with the aim of introducing an excursion to a history museum.

It is a good tool to motivate students and see certain things about the museum and create expectations before going on our excursion.

The tool used, Pixton, is super useful and lets you create almost any kind of story without having to pay. 

  • Maybe the only disadvantage is that there are not a lot of pictures of each specific topic, the pictures that you can find there are quite genereal, but you can still create a really good story with them.
  • You can modify the scenario, the pose of the characters, their emotions and even their limbs.
  • You can also modify the sizes and type of speach bubble you want to use.

This have been the first time using Pixton and I loved it.

Without a doubt, I fully recommend Pixton, it does not matter which subject you are teaching, this resource can be apply in any educational area.

Here I present you my comic, I hope you like it and it makes you want to go and visit some museums!

See you in a bit!

martes, 26 de febrero de 2019

Hi, I´m back!

It has been a while since my last post but I have come back with double energy !!!

Today my post is specially focused on fourth graders that really are into natural science, I hope you learn and have fun with this brand new presentation and activities that I have created about ECOSYSTEMS!

Google slides is a creative tool to design presentations, it has lots of different usefull features and brand new styles, like the Album style that was the one that I chose for doing my Ecosystem Pressentation. 
I have also used Educaplay to make a WORD ROULETTE for kids to enjoy and finally evaluate their knowledge. 

                                    You can play here!

I hope you like it! :)
See you in a bit!!!

martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

Hi everyone!

After ages without using Twitter I am back with this little open story.

I hope you like it!

See you in a bit! :)

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019

Content Curation


Hello everyone!

I have chosen Pinterest because I found it really easy to use.
You can find the new board that I have created right here on the right.
It is about different activities you can develop in a 1st Primary class. I love this Pinterest tool, I have been using it seen I was a teenager beacuse you can find almost everything there:

·         BOOKS
·         CRAFTS
·         CHARTS
·         ACTIVITIES
·         TUTORIALS
·         ARTISTS

… and a long etc. It is a tool for creative people and people who want to be original.

Let free your imagination and have fun giving your lessons!!!!

Let's see if you can put it in practice and…

See you in a bit!


This are some images that I have chosen to introduce in a CLIL classroom about “A TRIP TO THE FARM”. 

I would use them in 1st grade of Primary Education, I will be using them as flashcards to know what their previous knowledge is and to explain the parts of the animals, where they live and why are they in a farm and not in other different place. The content will be closely related with Natural Science.

Students will be glad to go to the farm and check all the things that they have been learning and acquiring in class with so much interest. 

Now they are able to be living a great experience in the Farm with all the necessary knowledge to keep on asking questions and developing their curiosity.

“The Cow” image by LEAMSI Im谩genes C.C.

“The Horse” image by TheDigitalArtist / 5173 Im谩genes C.C.

“The Sheep” image by 12019 / 10266 Im谩genes C.C.

I hope you like it!

And like always...   See you in a bit!!!

jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

Hey there!

This is my Avatar!

Her name is Sonia G., she is 24 years old and, like me, she is a girl. She likes arts and crafts, animals and listenning to Celtic relaxing music. She is always busy doing this and that but... she always has time for her dog, family and friends.
Right now she is trying to became a great teacher by studing a Master at the University Rey Juan Carlos.

                                                       Here she is!!

Something to take into account about Sonia G. is that she loves being silly and also laughing about everything.

What I like about this tool is that you can create whatever you want and use it in many different ways or topics, if you are a techer (for example),  to develop your own ideas, just to reflect on your thoughts or to tell about your different experiences.
I think it is fantastic to know about this amazing world and see how many posibilities we have to create.

Well, I hope you like Sonia G.

See you in a bit!

My last Post!! I finally GET ON WELL with Internet 馃挋馃槅 This is the last entry related to my master degree so what you will see belo...