jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

Hey there!

This is my Avatar!

Her name is Sonia G., she is 24 years old and, like me, she is a girl. She likes arts and crafts, animals and listenning to Celtic relaxing music. She is always busy doing this and that but... she always has time for her dog, family and friends.
Right now she is trying to became a great teacher by studing a Master at the University Rey Juan Carlos.

                                                       Here she is!!

Something to take into account about Sonia G. is that she loves being silly and also laughing about everything.

What I like about this tool is that you can create whatever you want and use it in many different ways or topics, if you are a techer (for example),  to develop your own ideas, just to reflect on your thoughts or to tell about your different experiences.
I think it is fantastic to know about this amazing world and see how many posibilities we have to create.

Well, I hope you like Sonia G.

See you in a bit!

My last Post!! I finally GET ON WELL with Internet 💙😆 This is the last entry related to my master degree so what you will see belo...